Total Body EmPack Workout

5 rounds:
20 push press
15 v ups
10e SL deadlift
5 wall walks

Click here for more EmPack Workouts!

#empack #empack workout

Mango Chicken

Another quick & easy recipe you can meal prep ahead of time! Swap for cauliflower rice if you want a lower carb option.

Click here for more from Emfit Challenge!

#recipe #emfit challenge #meal prep #dinner #gluten free #dairy free #lunch

Intention and Goal Setting For the New Year!

Learn how to set intentions and goals for the year, life focus areas, 3-month goals, and set daily and weekly action steps to get you there!

By Megan Flanagan

#mindset #reflection #megan flanagan #goals

Slingshot BB Press

Wade is showing us a fun new move in our FLAGSHIP program today!

#strength #strength training #upper body

Grilled Chicken Burrito Bowl

If you're trying to step up your meal prep, this is a great meal to make in bulk for lunch or dinner!

By Emma Swanston

#recipe #meal prep #dinner #gluten free #dairy free #lunch #emma swanston

Heart Chakra Yoga Flow

Join as Dixie brings you a flow to facilitate the opening of the heart chakra!

#yoga #flow #chakra #dixie chamness #heart chakra

Kick with Kat Circuits

If you need a quick workout to get your body moving on the first day of 2022, Kat has two ten minute circuits that are perfect for getting your heart rate and energy up!

#cardio #kick with kat #kickboxing

EmPack Workout: Turkish Getups

It's the end of 2021 and this simple workout is a great way to move your body before the celebrations start!

30 Turkish getups (for time)

Remember to keep your eyes on your EmPack with your arm locked out overhead, core braced, and push through the ground every time you contact it with your hand, arms, & legs.

Click here for more EmPack workouts!

#empack #empack workout