Add Strength to Your Yoga Practice
In this 6 minute video, Kerry runs through some of her favorite ways to add strength to your yoga practice.
By Kerry McGinn
By Kerry McGinn
Zen Out: An Introduction to Meditation Ebook
Check out this ebook to learn more about how to start and maintain a meditation practice. This is perfect for newbie meditators and those looking to learn a bit more about meditation.
By Kerry McGinn
By Kerry McGinn
Meditation for Shedding & Letting Go
This 15 minute meditation is perfect for those looking to let go of tension in their physical, mental and emotional body. This visualization brings in elements of nature and releasing that which no longer serves you.
By Kerry McGinn
By Kerry McGinn
Yoga Flow For Hiking Prep
Join me in the idyllic Berkshires as I prep for my daily hike. This 25 minute yoga flow will hit all the muscles you want moving and grooving for your hike and doubles as a lower intensity post-hike cool down.
By Kerry McGinn
By Kerry McGinn
12 minute Total Body Flow
Join Kerry McGinn PT, DPT, RYT for this 12 minute full body flow that gets you moving through your hips, low back and shoulder with minimal push- ups. This is perfect if you are looking to get moving but don't want to do anything too strenuous.
Grounding Meditation For Fall
The change of seasons can shake things up and leave you feeling a little overwhelmed and scattered. Tune into this guided meditation to ground down and grow strong roots that will take you through the shift of seasons.
Nourish Your Nervous System Ebook
Learn five ways to nourish your nervous system and find ways to connect back into a deeper state of rest.
Happy Hips Slow Flow
Join Kerry Mcginn, Physical Therapist & 500 Hour Yoga Teacher in this 45 minute slow flow yoga class. This class gets you moving through the hips as you turn inward and truly listen to the body.
Nourish Your Nervous System Mini Movement
Press reset on your nervous system with this short mini movement sequence. This 4 minute video will take you through some nervous system nourishment techniques, somatic yoga and breathwork. Perfect if you need a moment to pause and shift from GO GO GO to a more rested state.
Fuel Your Feel Good Journal Prompts
Take 15 minutes out of your day for some deep reflection on your mind, body and breath. The journal prompts will take you through the 5 pillars of the Live Good, Feel Good method to help you find what fuels your feel good and lights you up.