Need Help Making a Big Decision?

We all struggle with decision fatigue from time to time. If that's you, consider these 5 questions that will help you process your thoughts & feelings around the situation so you can feel at peace with your choice.

By Megan Flanagan

#mindset #reflection

5 questions to discover your passion

We all want to find our passion and purpose (p-squared). Sometimes the key is asking yourself the important questions to uncover what that is for you. Revisit your true calling with these 5 reflection questions.

5 Tips to Start Running for Beginners

Interested in adopting a new running routine or training for your first race? Get started with these 5 tips.

Mobility with Meg: Beluga Stretch

This is a fun stretch for belugas (your own version of downward dog) that incorporates twisting and hip opening.

5 Go-To Breakfast Recipes

Feeling like mixing up the oats, eggs, or breakfast smoothie? Try one of these combinations!

The Rundown on Heart Rate Training

You've likely heard of heart rate training, but what zones should you hit for each workout? When should you take it easy versus push the boundaries? This breaks down each heart rate zone for running and other forms of training.

By Megan Flanagan

#running #heart rate #training

Tiny Habits

We often hear it's the little things, our daily habits, that add up to big changes. Start small and learn about a few tools to improve your habits.

By Megan Flanagan

DEER Medicine: Rejuvenation Meditation

As Deer, we spend so much time filling up others' buckets. Take time to fill up your own today with this rejuvenation guided meditation.

By Megan Flanagan

#deer #meditation

Mindset with Meg: Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome? Most of us are not strangers to this feeling. Tune into this podcast as Meg shares more about how to overcome imposter syndrome and start feeling more confident within yourself.

Air Quality & Training

With air quality concerns of smoke, and ozone in the air, it's worth checking into before deciding whether to run (or train) outdoors. Ask some of these questions to make the choice that is best for you and your health.

Canva by Megan Flanagan