EmPack Workout: Bicep Supersets
4 rounds:
20 push press
21s Bicep curls
30 sec gun hold
Then 4 rounds of:
20 sumo deadlift high pull
15 OH tricep extension
30 sec gun hold
Click here for more EmPack workouts!
20 push press
21s Bicep curls
30 sec gun hold
Then 4 rounds of:
20 sumo deadlift high pull
15 OH tricep extension
30 sec gun hold
Click here for more EmPack workouts!
Fuel Your Fitness
This Empirica blog will teach you how to choose the right foods to make the most of your workouts!
By Erika Hawley
By Erika Hawley
Upper Body EmPack Workout
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EmPack Workout: Energetic 8's
Dirty 30: At-Home Workout
Short on time? Squeeze in this quick workout today!
5 rounds:
30 sec wall sit
30 Russian twist
30 mountain climber
30 power cleans
EmFit Challenge
5 rounds:
30 sec wall sit
30 Russian twist
30 mountain climber
30 power cleans
EmFit Challenge